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Your IMS Bulldog Esports team has started their engines! As you know this is the first week of the Middle School Esports League (MSEL) Spring Major Tournament and our Smashdogs got off to a great start with their performances in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on Monday.

Wednesday our E-thletes (I can make that a word right?) competed in their first Mario Kart 8 challenge of the season, and your Kartdogs 1 squad raced circles, squares, loops, and spirals around their opponents to bring home a punishing 2-0 victory in their 4v4, best of 3 match series.

The Kartdogs 1 team consists of 8th graders Michael Smith and Enoch Scott, 7th grader Torisen Wullenschneider, and 6th graders Miles Uttinger, Reese Tucker, and Lawson McClure

Team warmups

We got our bearings in Match 1 with Michael, Torisen, Miles, and Reese bringing home the win with a combined team score of 85 to 71:

Series 1 scoreboard

They really put the rubber to the Rainbow Road in Match 2 with Enoch and Lawson switching in for Miles and Torisen. Your Kartdogs got things figured out and their teamwork started to shine as they were yelling out hazards, positions, powerups, and working together to literally knock their opponents off the track. Their focus and effort brought them a crushing 107 to 49 win to clinch the 2-0 best of 3 and a win for their first week of league competition.

Series 2 scoreboard

Players celebrating after their win!

Congratulations Kartdogs 1!

Shameless recruiting blurb: we have room for more students to form Kartdogs 2. It’s not too late to sign up! Check out the IMS Bulldogs Esports page here for more information and the form.