USD 446 Participates in PREPaRE Training
Today the USD 446 Crisis Team met for its regular review of the district's crisis plan.  This team consists of staff members from each of its five buildings and central office, and its purpose is to ensure that the district remains aligned and current in its crisis response processes and procedures. 

Today's agenda included a review of each building's training plan, upcoming professional development on crisis response, and draft plans for 2023-24 crisis drills.

"I believe this work is important," said Assistant High School Principal Michael McCambridge.  Selene Paul, administrative assistant at Riley Early Learning Center added, "I think our parents feel better about their kids' safety knowing we are doing everything possible to keep our crisis information current."

Seven members of this USD 446 team will be heading to PREPaRE training on March 30.  PREPaRE was developed by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) to provide evidence-based resources and consultation related to school crisis prevention and response.  It is ideal for schools that are committed to improving and strengthening safety and crisis management plans and emergency response.